Rapid Ice Melting System for Display Cases
Prodew’s Iceonator is a simple system that will drastically reduce your labor hours and water consumption. Wash away the ice in your display case in just 20 minutes*!
*some customers report this process taking several hours, often with hot water.Quickly melt the ice in display cases at the end of the day.
Melts a display case of ice in 20 minutes
Drastically reduce labor hours
ROI in just a few months
Plug-and-Play - just needs water (can connect to your hand sprayer hose)
Easy to install and maintain.
No Drain Needed

Melt ice quickly at the end of the day
The Iceonator has additional benefits:
Wash your display case.
Add any cleaning agent to the incoming water to wash your case.
Quickly cleans the full length of your display.
Sanitize your display case.
Add any sanitizing agent to the incoming water to sanitize your case.
Quickly sanitizes the full length of your display in a single spray.