Vertical Chillers
dairy, beer, wine, juice

The Energy Trust of Oregon has found that using night covers in your horizontal or coffin chillers can save you 309 kWh per linear foot.
An Arizona grocery chain reports saving 112,000 kWh per year in each store. Based on the national average of 9.74 cents/kWh, that's a savings of $10,000 per year!
Prodew's night covers are the best on the market.
Let us help you to save energy in your stores!
Our Vertical Night Covers:
Use the highest quality material - will not fray!
Use a slow-rise mechanism with NO oil
Come with an easy screw mount installation
Feature a unique rounded handle design will not be broken by store cleaning equipment
Are constructed of a perforated fabric to prevent condensation
Have an aluminum coating that won't flake or chip
Have an available motorized option
4', 6', and 8' lengths available
(1219 mm, 1829 mm, 2438 mm) -
Are available in a variety of cassette colors